Most of them believed that this was with God's pleasure and principle. 他们大多数人认为,这是神的意志和愿望。
This article believed that," the media entertainment "is the media according to the pleasure principle and the large number then chooses and the processing media content cultural behavior. 本文认为,“传媒娱乐”是传媒按照快乐原则和大数则来选择和处理传媒内容的文化行为。
It is quite compatible with the principle of utility to recognize the fact that some kinds of pleasure are more desirable and more valuable than others. the pursuit of pleasure as a matter of ethical principle. 相比之下,某些快乐更令人满意,具有更大的价值,承认这一点与功利主义的原则并不矛盾。把追求快乐作为一种道德准则。
FREUD ARGUED THAT the pleasure principle gave expression to primitive, animal drives. 佛洛伊德认为,快乐原则表达出原始的动物驱力。
The pursuit of pleasure as a matter of ethical principle. 把追求快乐作为一种道德准则。
Jude's excessive powerful libido, Sue's narcissism, Arabella's pleasure principle give birth to their respective characteristic and outlook on life. 主人翁裘德强大的力比多、淑的自恋情结、艾拉白拉的快乐原则决定了他们各自的性格特征和人生道路。
In Chapter two, the author analyzes the behavior of Strickland from two perspectives-Freud's "id" theory, the pleasure principle, and sexism. 在第二章,作者从弗洛伊德的本我,快乐原则两个理论及他的厌女倾向分别对思特克里兰德的行为进行了分析。
The pleasure principle of "nobody on the scene" in the network virtual space weakened the morals ethics 'binding force to teenager; 而网络虚拟时空中的无他人的快乐原则更是大大弱化了道德伦理对青少年的约束力;
His mischievous paradoxes, New Hedonism and the Philosophy of Pleasure are representative of the instinctive desires of the id, which acts upon the "pleasure principle". 他的奇谈怪论、新享乐主义以及人生应及时行乐的思想代表了本我的冲动和欲望,遵循享乐原则活动;
For modern ships especially for pleasure boats and crew boats. It has become never enough to use just function designing principle, but needs modern form designing and high attention to their cabin layout. 现代船舶尤其是旅游船和游艇的设计,已不能仅仅满足于使用功能的设计方式,还须讲究造型和重视舱室设计。
The pleasure principle cannot account for the constant repetition of the painful experience. 对这种痛苦经验的不断重复显然是不能由快乐原则来说明的。
Finally, Physician-assisted suicide should be allowed to conduct in terms of patients, doctors and legislators. This also reflects pleasure principle of the utilitarianism. 最后,关于医生协助自杀的问题,他分别从病人、医生、立法者的角度,提出医生协助自杀在法律上和伦理上是应该被容许的,这正体现了功利主义的快乐原则。
Driven by the pleasure principle, id seeks for instant satisfaction of instinct and desire. 本我在快乐原则的导向下,充分表现个体的本能与意愿的即时满足。
Comprising all instincts, the id works in keeping with "the pleasure principle", trying its best to satisfy its primitive desires and impulses regardless of any external reason and morality. 本我包含所有本能,按快乐原则行事,从不考虑社会理性和道德的约束,极力满足人的原始欲望和冲动。
They confuse aesthetic appreciation of virtuality and reality makes humanity and desires completely show its nakedness and selfishness, reverses the pleasure principle the reality principle and eventually leads people to step over the moral boundary in individual revelry. 模糊了虚幻和真实的审美,使得人性和欲望的展现过于地赤裸和自私,它颠倒了快乐和现实原则的审美观念,导致人们在个体狂欢中跨越了道德的边界,酒神精神变质了。
Its unique pleasure principle fairy, fantasy character, spirit and poetic realm and games for children fit with the spirit and soul, and thus by the young readers who like it. 童话以其独特的快乐原则、幻想品格、诗意境界和游戏精神与儿童的精神和心灵相契合,因而深受小读者们的喜欢。